Thursday, March 19, 2009

Riverfront Park in Daytona Approved

The News-Journal Online reports that the Daytona Beach city commission voted 7-0 to turn the $2.8 million riverfront land parcel on Halifax Avenue into a park.

The Trust for Public Land, a national nonprofit that acquires land for public use, proposed a partnership with the city that would require the trust to purchase the 1.58-acre property just south of Main Street. In turn, the city would buy it from the nonprofit -- with all the title changes, environmental surveys and paperwork completed by the trust. From there, the trust would help the city get a grant from the state's Florida Communities Trust Program to pay for half the cost -- about $1.4 million.

Area redevelopment funds would be tapped to pay for Daytona's portion. Mayor Glenn Ritchey said he hoped the city has the opportunity to secure the grant and move forward with the comprehensive land changes and purchase next year.

Read the full article on News-Journal Online.

Sherry Armstrong

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